Thursday, October 2, 2008

Interview with Paul Newman!

Monday the 29th of September 2008.

CROW: Channel with Paul Newman!

PAUL NEWMAN: Hello Chris, it is a long time since we've seen other, but we
know each other!

CROW: Hi Paul! First off, I have to say I loved you in your movie work!

PAUL NEWMAN: Yes, Chris that work was necessary for my Spiritual development.
This work was important for me to see HOW I affected other people in this
world by my actions. I would see myself up on the screen and reflect upon
that. This is NOT a widely known fact about me, so you are the first, in

CROW: Are you currently incarnated?

PAUL NEWMAN: No you are in fact talking to me directly as I am not scheduled
for any lifetimes YET! This is a time in between Lifetimes I can take to
enjoy myself a little and see how I did during my Lifetime as Paul Newman to
see if I did what I set out do.

CROW: Paul, do you feel at this point that you have done pretty much what you
came to do?

PAUL NEWMAN: At this point, Chris, I'm not hazarding a guess!

PAUL NEWMAN: Yes, I will refer to you as Crow!

CROW: So then, next question, Paul.

CROW: I wanted to ask something about your food business, can you comment on

PAUL NEWMAN: Why yes, Crow. This business I created in order to help
underprivileged people around the world! The profits from this business are
funneled to those people. I can't say this was the success story I wanted,
as some funds were not used correctly. Yes, some were, and that is a

PAUL NEWMAN: Crow, you need to do more research about my life!

CROW: Yes, I do. I will do that in the next 2 days and get back to you, is
that OK?

PAUL NEWMAN: Yes, Crow, this is OK and then we can delve deeper into the
mysteries of Paul Newman!

CROW: OK, thanks!

CROW: Paul, I can hear your voice, it sounds just like it does in the movies,
I've enjoyed!

PAUL NEWMAN: Yes Crow, I kept this body look-a-like, so-to-speak and it will
create a similar voice.

CROW: Paul, I have prepared some questions for you about your Life as Paul
Newman, would you join with me and respond to them?

PAUL NEWMAN: Yes, Crow, I would Love to!

CROW: How was your passing? Was it peaceful?

PAUL NEWMAN: Crow I was blessed! I had many people there helping me, even
some previous film stars were there pulling for me to escape the pull of the
Earth. Let me tell you Crow, for some people, it's not a picnic!
Still, I had a couple of rough spots that were soon smoothed over. Crow, it
is a wonderful, wonderful thing, this Life, if only the incarnated of the
world could know! I am so greatfull to have had the experience of being WHO
I WAS, yet I am so happy to be floating around you now!
My family is waiting for me and I hope you won't be taking too long with this!

CROW: Ok Paul, I will just go on with the balance of the questions and type
as fast as I can.


CROW: How did you manage the pain from lung cancer?

PAUL NEWMAN: This was done with the usual drugs, though closer to the end, I
asked to be taken off the I.V. as I wanted to be very present for my family.
It was a time of great LOVE, Crow. Just wonderful. I highly recommend it!

CROW: How did your lung cancer relate to your feelings about your Life?

PAUL NEWMAN: Crow! What a good question! This is because I had since I was
a little boy, an aversion to the air around my crib! It bothered me to the
point where I internalized the discomfort and it came out as lung cancer as I
got older. Yes, crow, I smoked heavily because of my denial of the situation
within my body and therefore I created the condition. Yes, it was painful in
the end, it just goes to show you that coming to Earth is really a terrific
school house!

CROW: How was it to finally be free of that cancerous body?!

PAUL NEWMAN: Crow. Floating, floating floating! No pain or discomfort it's
like waking up from the best sleep you've ever had only multiplied by a
thousand times!

CROW: I have to ask about: “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” !!

PAUL NEWMAN: O Crow, I know that was your fav. At the time, it was mine
too, as it was early-ish in my career and working with Bob was really a
eyeful and a pleasure. I look forward to greeting that wonderful man when he
crosses over! Well the show was great, we enjoyed the action, we had big
laughs when we jumped off that cliff, well we didn't actually, but we did do
some jumping as part of the filming system you know. Still, wonderful time
in my Life.

CROW: I know that you felt that racing was: "the only sport you felt
graceful in", but is there another deeper reason why did you used auto racing
to express yourself?

PAUL NEWMAN: The auto racing was such a blast! No kidding. Imagine racing
around the track in a powerful machine! Other than that, I have to say, at
this time, that is really all! No, well, I could say that the racing was
much like my Life and that the control necessary behind the wheel is much
like acting. So the two disciplines go together in a way. While acting,
you have to keep the facade up in order to maintain a consistent character.
This is very therapeutic, as the character can teach you things about
yourself! Yes, it's true!

CROW: Paul what was your favorite Film?

PAUL NEWMAN: Well Crow, I must say really that there really isn't! I just
had so much fun being an actor that it didn't matter which film I was in!
Yes, Crow I know you WANT it to be: “Butch Cassidy”!, but as I said, I just
wanted to act, act, act!

CROW: Were you aware that “Road to Perdition” was going to be your last big
screen appearance?

PAUL NEWMAN: No I wasn't aware of that, until a little later on, when the
cancer started spreading, then I became aware and was very sad about that,
still I did find solace in the fact that I did accomplish much in my acting
Life, not-to-mention the other things I did. I lived a full Life and I was
ready to go in the end, yet I did miss my family and it was sad to leave them
behind. Others attending my passing convinced me that they (his family)
would be happy with my Life and that I would see them soon.

CROW: I was sorry to hear about the passing of your son: Scott Newman, have
you seen him since your passing and how is he doing?

PAUL NEWMAN: Scott and I are great friends now! Yes I have seen him and he
was there to watch my passing through and is happily incarnated now in a body
on Earth.

CROW: Was he incarnated during your passage?

PAUL NEWMAN: Yes he was, yet it was arranged for him to view the passage in a
way they do here from a kind of sleep condition. I know you understand how
that works, Crow!

CROW: Yes I do, just wanted to clarify. Thank you.

CROW: You were a Democrat! Bless your heart! Tell me a little about that?

PAUL NEWMAN: All my Life I was a Democrat. This is simple. Democrats are
people, Republicans are animals.

CROW: Awesome, Paul!

PAUL NEWMAN: NO really, the Democratic line, is a line of pure truth,
yes, it is earthly now, but in Truth, it has a deeper cleaner
root in humanity!

CROW: You missed the battle of Okinawa! Was that intentional by your
spiritual guides?

PAUL NEWMAN: Oh yes, that was planned since my birth, I was not to be there
as I was surely going to die along with the rest of the company. This was a
sad thing, but war is sad. I was greatfull for that, as it enabled me to do
the work I did. In fact, the food business was a thank you to Earth for

CROW: Do you know yet wether you'll be coming back to Earth, or incarnating
on another plane/planet?

PAUL NEWMAN: Not at this time, yet rumblings are seeming that I may have a
body soon if i want it, it's up to me. I want to spend some time with those
I haven't seen for so long! I just want to be with them and get to know them
again and catch up.

PAUL NEWMAN: Crow, this has been lovely, thank you for this opportunity to do
this! I know you are sending this out to a number of people and I hope those
who read this believe it.

PAUL NEWMAN: I will say this to those on the oneheartnet list:

PAUL NEWMAN: Onehearts! Be the One Heart! I want you to think of your Life
as the greatest blessing of all! Your opportunity at this time is far
greater than ever has been in the history of Earth, you must believe this!
Search your heart for the Truth of this! It is time now to do what it is that
you want in your Life! The time is NOW and the person is YOU!

PAUL NEWMAN: God bless you all and have a good night!

CROW: Thank you Paul I look forward to seeing you sometime on the inner!

PAUL NEWMAN: You bet Chris!

CROW: Goodbye for now Paul.

Bye Chris.

Thank you!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Oh kind and great one that speaks through me, see your truth and see your depth. You know not what awaits YOU! If you only knew you would jump for JOY!
Come to me and seek rest for I am your rest and joy for ever and ever.
Only you can make this journey to your unknown fortune! See the depth of your soul! And see the depth of Mind that awaits your steps upon this wondrous journey of your Life now!
Go and seek your fortune within yourself and fall upon the mantle, for you find the one and the only within the depths of I.
Oh great one see and grow upon the selfhood of the finality of soul.
Only kindness can be your fortune and destiny! You are the great one that resides within the selfhood of God. Only you can move into the greatness you desire, but you must begin the journey with the steps of Love. These steps must be taken in the joy of knowing of the certainty of your growth as Soul on Earth. You are so blessed you know not the blessings that fall before you like flowers and grasses before the storm winds. They blow about you in hopes to touch your cheek and be released in the framework of soul. Stirred by the selfhood and the knowing of your mind you penetrate the depths of depths that can only be found within the selfhood that seeks the great one!
This greatness is your destiny for you are the great and loving personage that IS and always was and always will be! Go forth and BE only the beingness that you can provide yourself. Go forth and find the greatness of your selfhood that resides on the mantel of living a life of kindness and joy.
You must serve the wellness and good fortune of all in the way that only you can know. This knowingness is your destiny and only you can reach into the depths to find what has always been there!
It is you that seeks YOU, it is you that seeks ME! I am your destiny and I alone can see the future that you seek. Yes, it is true that you now reside in darkness. This darkness is of your own making! Therefore, look upward within yourself to see the light that shines above you that illuminates your way. Without this action you continue to grope in the darkness of your own not looking! See and know your Light and therefore you can be guided by the illumination of your own light! The light around you blinds those who would try to seek you!
Jesus said get thee behind me satan, yet he was the greatest of all, so even the greatest of all can see only darkness at a time, yes, this is true for I sayist.
The great masters have all had there struggles and triumphs. They triumphed because they continued to seek the light within. Do not fall prey to the darkness within for it is said that the darkness rules the darkness, but go into your darkness with the light of soul and all will be forgiven. All is forgiven as there is nothing to forgive! Forgiveness is tantamount to your survival as Soul in a world of darkness of your own choosing. Those who would discourage you will fall before you and seek your words of wisdom for their own darkness will take them there!
Look down upon your troubles NOT UP! It is only from the vantage point of self truth that you can see forward in your way. The Way of Truth is the way of Love. Seek not the stimulation of the senses as the senses speak only of darkness and the hiding of your light! The light around you is pregnant with the stimulation of SOUL feelings. These feelings are levitative and therefore raise you up the the glory that only you can appreciate, as those left behind in the heaviness of less-thinking can see upward when the time is right for them. Give thoughts only to the light of light. Not only the light, as you will be blinded even by that, but the LIGHT of LIGHT that is the source of ALL. You have it within you and you know the Truth of This.
When seeking the Light of lights you look forward beyond time and space to the space and light of nothingness! Nothing IS your Destiny, for NO Thing is your self! You are MADE of NO THING therefore it is this you MUST seek to find the qualities you want in a LIFE of things. This life of things is an empty LIFE of darkness and the loss of way. Seek the NO THING of being to find the SOME thing of living the LIFE of NOW. IT is the nowness that you seek through the observation of your devices that drag you away from your self.
Can only you seek the NO THING? Can only you SEEK IT? SEEK it before it seeks you, for it is better for you to seek it as you have the choice and the grandeur that goes with the seeking of LOVE and forgiveness in the DARKNESS of self. The experience of Self is the experience of selfhood. The selfhood of SOUL is the selfhood of Soul god-ness. Seek god-ness while you have the time! The time is running short for those who would wait to find your God within!
The time I speak of is the clock time you use to measure your day. Stop what you are doing and begin the being!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Secklendorf Crop Circle.

Greetings all.

According to my Zetatalk sources, this latest crop circle in Secklendorf,Germany, is telling us quite a bit about the coming pole shift.

First, a few things to get clear regarding some terminology:
~ Magnetic trimester is a 4 month period of magnetic influence: May-Aug is strongest, Sep-Dec is diminished and Jan-Apr is quiet.
~ Dark Twin. Our Dark twin, as it is called, is a lifeless planet, (no water or atmosphere, so that it reflects little light) orbits 180° in relation to Earth. It is slightly smaller than Earth and is locked in orbit against us; other words, it's always behind the sun from Earth, so is only seen occasionally from Earth orbit.
~ Repulsion Force, which is not known to Human culture at this time, is a particle flow abutment that occurs between planets, or other celestial bodies, that is similar to gravity particles.
~ Trauma Events. These are any event that reflects Earth stress such as the compression or the expansion of continental adjustment that we experience as earthquakes, volcanoes, Sink holes and the like.
~ Planet X. This planet is also known as Nibiru, Wormwood and The Destroyer. It passes through our solar system in a sling orbit every 3,657 years. It is a magnetic giant planet 4 times the size of Earth and 29 times the mass. It has 2 long tails, composed of orbiting moons, that look like horns; It's surrounded by a shroud of red iron dust from past collisions of it's many moons. Vague references of prior passings are actually in historical records.

Looking at the black & white graphic on the top right, we basically see 2 groups of orbs, 3 at the top and 4 at the bottom. The top 3 are Earth, Venus then the dark twin off a bit to the right; This indicates the relationship between planet Earth and it's twin. The 2 crowded together are Earth and Venus caught in the cup explained in my earlier post: The Barbury Castle Crop Circle.
The bottom group indicate conditions for Earth as we enter the time of the poleshift. A very interesting thing happens to Earth, we are drawn toward Planet X as it passes us. This is also in the direction of our Sun, so the sun will grow larger for a few weeks prior to the poleshift! So the larger of the orbs in the group of 4 represents Planet X, as it clashes so much more at the point of passing. Again, the orb off to the left is the dark twin as it is not so involved due to the repusion force with Earth.
The noched circles, closer in, represent specific trauma events. The greatest of these being the ones at the bottom right, at the end of the May-Aug magnetic trimester.

There is another very important crop circle: "Furze Knoll" that I have some very interesting things to report on soon.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Original Christian Doctrine.

Greetings All.

The desire came to me to write something in support of Christianity.

My History in Christian Study:

I became interested in Christianity early in Life, although, I didn't know it as a word or as an organization of belief systems. I didn't get directly involved until I was about 17 years old. At the time, this particular denomination I was introduced to, was in fact the scientific side of Christianity. Scientific side! How can that be? You may be asking: I'll explain that soon....

What was being offered, were lectures on: "The Science of Life". This was 1967, so the content at the time was radical, in fact this approach to Christianity originated in the 30-ies and 40'ies. I became interested in these lectures, when a friend of mine, who introduced all this to me, was saying that molecules think. Now, this idea was innate to me. How else could you explain behavior of physical matter? ...Molecular propensities? ...Chemical reactions? ...Atomic theory? That language to me had no Life to it, no hinting at the mystery and the Bigness of Life: No, pure science was not my thing, too shallow. As you may be thinking by now, this was not an ordinary kind of Church.

I attended the Wednesday night taped lectures for about 2 months, until I discovered that there were Church services on Sunday! I wasn't too interested in the Religious side of this particular organization until it was suggested that Science was really half of the story, that Religion was the other half, so-to-speak. This seemed reasonable to me, so I began attending the services. It turned out that the pastor who actually did the services wasn't a person I could identify with, but the Arch Bishop (Dr. Robert Arthur Voice), in the mother church (different city -main branch) was someone like that; Dr Voice was the Theology Teacher, so eventually, I took up the deeper study of these 2 halves of the whole within the theology studies being offered. This brand of Theology was a balanced approach to Christianity, blending scientific principles with a "religious" viewpoint, essentially being an experience of Christ, rather than a knowledge of Christ. Of course, once you experience something of what you are studying, it deepens your knowledge, no?

I was about 19 when I had my first initiation, well, I had to get Baptized first, but after that, and through following years, I progressed through the Christian Orders some of which were: Door Keeper, Exorcist, Acolyte, Sub-Deacon and finally Deacon. Eventually this accumulated to about 21 years of study and experience in the Christian Clergy.

We had Monthly Theology classes (summer's off). these weren't just memorizing passages of the Bible or the scientific monographic studies and doing tests, this was about challenging our thinking patterns and a generally free discussion of the mysteries of Life. We completed several monographic studies, plus the reading of many books of our culture and other cultures were required reading. My favorite was: "Plato" because I loved the Socratic Reasoning.
This is not to mention the Wednesday Lectures, Sunday services and the evening studies and much personal discovery writing. It was doing the personal writing I discovered I could channel "entities" through writing, or "automatic writing" as it is known. At approximately 28 years of age I began doing the odd Thursday night "prayer hour" short sermons. I think by about 30 or 35 I did the odd Sunday sermon as Reverend Chris Wakefield.

The Actual Christian Philosophy:

We called it: "The Original Christian Doctrine", as interpretations of the works of Jesus were changed over the years, and the Bible itself has gone through many revisions and variations of publications. Also the Christian Church had forked many times over these last 2000 years, so there was little common agreement as to what The Christian Philosophy was in the first place. In fact it split soon after Jesus translated and it didn't take long for the dissenting views to manifest, in fact, they were there the whole time, and why not? This is human nature. One thing I learned early on, is that not to deify persons, even Jesus reportedly had said that: "It is the father within me that doeth the work." Jesus never wanted to be worshiped.

Jesus was just one human person in a string of Masters that have graced this old World. It just so happens that we live in a culture that is so shallow, immature and weak-willed that it can't stand the idea of making up one's own mind about one's Life and acting on that. Too short-sighted to see the Holy guidance within, to understand, that to see it outward is the reciprocal of it's inner reality, so the weak attach themselves to these organizations for support. Granted, there many strong and free-thinking Christians, but they are few and far between considering the dearth of Sheep.

Old belief systems always try to usurp the sense of Self-Divinity. Individually and socially. Jesus knew this of course and charged ahead. His Life was an uphill battle from the word go. We certainly can credit Jesus with the courage to face death for preaching and living the philosophy of self-divinity. He was crafty, He knew how to get around, get the message out and disappear!

The actual Christian Doctrine was demonstrated by Jesus, but it was not His to claim, He was just Living IT. This is the whole point! The "Spirit of Christ" is in all of us. Many of us have left the wording, concepts and Christian culture behind as I did in 1990, but the base truth of Self-Divinity abides. In fact, I find a far deeper connection to IT as now IT is not pigeon-holed by the concepts that attach themselves to a name. This begins to manifest as you begin to live it. The organization of Religion actually stands in the way of living IT, at least in the way it is organized. Gathering in Love is the only way.

So we find the Actual Original Christian Philosophy (as in the Life of Jesus) to actually be not just Christian! Even Jesus couldn't claim it, so how can we expect a Socio-Cultural concept to?
Now, if one wants to be owned, lead and be victimized then so be it. But if one is not satisfied with unconscious living, then they will seek the truth not outward, but inward. Still they will not find it inwards either! He he, I love that part. It's the not-living, not-thinking, not-studying, not-seeking or not-any-doing... It's the Being. This Truth was referred to in a Psalm: "Be Still, and know that I am God!" However, I have re-written this closer to it's original meaning: "Be Still, and know that thou art God!"

A Christian Lesson:

The Phrase: "Be Still, and know that I am God!" Who said that? God? If you want that, then you have your answer. But if you want more, then ask your self first, does God speak? Or second: What is God? Surely this is a better question. Surely we couldn't really answer the first question, without knowing the answer to the second question? Ponder this: The word God is a concept, no? All words are concepts of mind because words are not what they represent! So, they are stand-ins for concepts, twice removed from the actual experience. If you know the monkey mind of Man, then you will know that this daily experience of many of us, is more mechanical than electrical, more gears than gray matter, just electrical forms held in place like a puppet dancing on strings of belief. Words or Concepts cannot house the Divine! The Conscious Mind attaches itself to these thought things and is trapped. OK, now ponder this: God is NOT! IT is unutterable! IT is the not-god. We, as humans cannot know IT! At least not in our physical body. We experience infinite shades of filtered Spiritual Energy that is interpreted as God. It does come ultimately come from one source, but we are far too weak to experience the greater power, the human body is a good vehicle for learning (well, actually that is up for discussion too...) but it cannot handle much, just a little. What other reference would we have in a culture like ours? The whole concept of God is an overlay. There is an impossibly huge Spiritual hierarchy of organization that works invisibly to us; guiding, overseeing, arranging, shuffling karma about with many people involved! When we pray fervently from our bones, they see that and will make arrangements for stuff to happen. I'm not a believer in praying per say, but it is not a mail order deal, you only get results when the constituent personalities are ready and have earned it.. But we don't know IT. IT never even cares. IT is so far, far impossibly from us, to even think that IT hears us, is to be so unbelievably Spiritually naive.
OK, back to the lesson.......:^)
No. How could our original statement be spoken? It was felt! It was inferred into Moses' consciousness, just as we get hunches or inspirations today. So, if these words occurred, which they couldn't of course, as I'm sure Moses' didn't speak English! Nevertheless, the meaning could not have been inferred that way with the use of "I am God", other than if Moses' said this to himself from his higher self! If you have ever had a communication with your higher self, you would know this to be true. We can speak this way as the Spiritual Reality is that we are Self-Divine in Being!

~ "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." ...Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955).

I love seeing a local Christian group occasionally traveling the streets with carts of food and clothing offering it to people living on the street. Still, I can't help but wonder what motives these people are acting on and what they believe about what they are doing. Some may say that they are paying back karma. Some may say that they are acting in Love. Some may also say they are acting selfishly, that the givers have an agenda with someone or thing that includes some kind of payoff: who know's? Really, only the givers know. It's none of my business, and it doesn't ultimately matter. Why do I bring this up then? It's about Being. When we do from Being, the roots of what we do include the farthest reaches of the Universe, even Universes we can't know about. Being, connects us to everything. Being is all.
Jesus was "being" Christ. The Christ Spirit connects to all, therefore healing and amazing works become possible. Inwardly and hidden we are all Christians in a sense, but it's not about what you read or believe, it's about Being!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

From Gaia.


It is me, Gaia speaking:

Water is a precious resource, it is my LIFE BLOOD. When
you drink it, you drink ME.
Give me the respect and LOVE to not polute my blood!
Would you waste and polute your OWN BLOOD?
Yes, water runs freely about your feet, but do not take it
LIGHTLY! You stand among plenty, KNOW where you stand so
you can appreciate your BLESSINGS!
I can die from your actions and YOU can die from MINE! We
have an agreement not to KILL each other, DO YOU REMEMBER?


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Barbury Castle Crop Circle.

I would like offer some opinions (facts from about what the attached crop circle image means to us:

This Crop Circle appeared June 1st 2008 ---------------------------------->

...The Human reviewers of which, have no clue as to it's real meaning, cite musical relationships as a possible message; But why would our planet be stamped all over with huge graphical images just to tell us stuff like that? No, this is not the reason. Note that the Barbury Castle crop circle is placed in a very public area in Wiltshire: From the Webpage: "This formation appears to deliberately straddle a public pathway." ...This is because the warnings contained in the matrix of the drawings, of what is about to take place on Earth, are so close now, it warrant's ramping up the exposure of this Glyph.

Most of us are aware of the earthquake activity and tornado occurrences of late? Stay aware, as these will increase exponentially in frequency and intensity with an apparent chaotic theme as the next year to 2 years advances. The link Yatesbury, conveys the progression of this frequency.... This is a graphic of another crop circle that occurred in Yatesbury on May 30, 2007

What practically all of us don't know, is that the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) has been down-rating the magnitudes of earthquakes for some time now. So the one in Sichuan province of China, for example, was originally quoted as a 7 + (but has recently been upgraded to an 8). is higher even than that. That quake was felt a long, long way off, no, that was no 8.
Point is: We cannot rely on what is reported as the truth, we must use our own judgements to determine what these events are pointing at.

Some of the hidden meanings of the Barbury Castle crop circle are as follows:

1. The 3 small circles together represent 3 planets in our Solar system: Earth, it's dark twin and Venus, in that order. What? You didn't know Earth has a dark twin .....:^) ?

2. The so-called "ratchet" short radial lines are representing the particle flow sweeping arms of the sun (that are actually the cause of the force that maintains our revolutions around it). There are 8 events a year, and the 4 lines represent 2 "clash points". Because of #3, the pushing of these "arms" from our sun, cause fantastic pressure, jarring our Earth in this vise-grip of this magnetic-particle-flow-gravitational-energetic arrangement.

3. The Large solid circle in the center is our sun, the smaller dot next to it represents the postion of Earth in it's orbit that it is currently frozen in.

4. The proximity of the 3 small circles represents a ricochet effect that is causing the increased earthquake activity. Which this Crop Circle is warning us about. ......... For those following Earthquakes, as I do, note that the "New Madrid" Fault line is about to release (sometime next year, perhaps late this year) Then, California will follow.

5.The placement of the 3 "planets" in the outer portions of this crop circle, is due also to the reality that all these bodies are actually kept in place, frozen in orbit, by the presence of the rogue planet.

The Crop circles are created by our Cosmic Brothers and Sisters with the mandate to warn the general populace of Earth of the coming global catastrophes that are going to happen either late 2009 or early 2010. The reason the crop circles are the way they are, is to communicate directly to our subconscious mind which innately understands their meaning. (Their mandate is to only communicate with us subconsciously, which is why they just don't land and tell us directly). The closest to this is the "fact" that during their fly-overs they are telepathically warning those below of the danger they are in.

Some math of the circle can be viewed by clicking on the link: Barbury Math.gif

The main cause of all this, is the presence of a magnetic giant planet that entered our solar system in 2003. The U.S. Government (which controls practically all of the information garnered from it's satellites and powerful telescopes) does not want us to know about it. The Russian and Chinease governments are in collusion with this cover up, of course, as the immanence of the approach of this monster planet means to the same thing everyone equally. wide global catastrophe, we are all in the same boat, so-to-speak.

This very large planet is not going to hit us, it will pass approximately within 50 million miles.

(All facts are gleaned from:, however, I have added some of my own opinions...:^)