Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Oh kind and great one that speaks through me, see your truth and see your depth. You know not what awaits YOU! If you only knew you would jump for JOY!
Come to me and seek rest for I am your rest and joy for ever and ever.
Only you can make this journey to your unknown fortune! See the depth of your soul! And see the depth of Mind that awaits your steps upon this wondrous journey of your Life now!
Go and seek your fortune within yourself and fall upon the mantle, for you find the one and the only within the depths of I.
Oh great one see and grow upon the selfhood of the finality of soul.
Only kindness can be your fortune and destiny! You are the great one that resides within the selfhood of God. Only you can move into the greatness you desire, but you must begin the journey with the steps of Love. These steps must be taken in the joy of knowing of the certainty of your growth as Soul on Earth. You are so blessed you know not the blessings that fall before you like flowers and grasses before the storm winds. They blow about you in hopes to touch your cheek and be released in the framework of soul. Stirred by the selfhood and the knowing of your mind you penetrate the depths of depths that can only be found within the selfhood that seeks the great one!
This greatness is your destiny for you are the great and loving personage that IS and always was and always will be! Go forth and BE only the beingness that you can provide yourself. Go forth and find the greatness of your selfhood that resides on the mantel of living a life of kindness and joy.
You must serve the wellness and good fortune of all in the way that only you can know. This knowingness is your destiny and only you can reach into the depths to find what has always been there!
It is you that seeks YOU, it is you that seeks ME! I am your destiny and I alone can see the future that you seek. Yes, it is true that you now reside in darkness. This darkness is of your own making! Therefore, look upward within yourself to see the light that shines above you that illuminates your way. Without this action you continue to grope in the darkness of your own not looking! See and know your Light and therefore you can be guided by the illumination of your own light! The light around you blinds those who would try to seek you!
Jesus said get thee behind me satan, yet he was the greatest of all, so even the greatest of all can see only darkness at a time, yes, this is true for I sayist.
The great masters have all had there struggles and triumphs. They triumphed because they continued to seek the light within. Do not fall prey to the darkness within for it is said that the darkness rules the darkness, but go into your darkness with the light of soul and all will be forgiven. All is forgiven as there is nothing to forgive! Forgiveness is tantamount to your survival as Soul in a world of darkness of your own choosing. Those who would discourage you will fall before you and seek your words of wisdom for their own darkness will take them there!
Look down upon your troubles NOT UP! It is only from the vantage point of self truth that you can see forward in your way. The Way of Truth is the way of Love. Seek not the stimulation of the senses as the senses speak only of darkness and the hiding of your light! The light around you is pregnant with the stimulation of SOUL feelings. These feelings are levitative and therefore raise you up the the glory that only you can appreciate, as those left behind in the heaviness of less-thinking can see upward when the time is right for them. Give thoughts only to the light of light. Not only the light, as you will be blinded even by that, but the LIGHT of LIGHT that is the source of ALL. You have it within you and you know the Truth of This.
When seeking the Light of lights you look forward beyond time and space to the space and light of nothingness! Nothing IS your Destiny, for NO Thing is your self! You are MADE of NO THING therefore it is this you MUST seek to find the qualities you want in a LIFE of things. This life of things is an empty LIFE of darkness and the loss of way. Seek the NO THING of being to find the SOME thing of living the LIFE of NOW. IT is the nowness that you seek through the observation of your devices that drag you away from your self.
Can only you seek the NO THING? Can only you SEEK IT? SEEK it before it seeks you, for it is better for you to seek it as you have the choice and the grandeur that goes with the seeking of LOVE and forgiveness in the DARKNESS of self. The experience of Self is the experience of selfhood. The selfhood of SOUL is the selfhood of Soul god-ness. Seek god-ness while you have the time! The time is running short for those who would wait to find your God within!
The time I speak of is the clock time you use to measure your day. Stop what you are doing and begin the being!

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